Episode 17 - Does The Moon Have A Mommy?

Hi friends, 

Please forgive the unusual episode this week, but it is a special occasion. Last week, we welcomed Hugh Friedman Holljes into our home and hearts. It’s been a bit chaotic in the Holljes household since then, with a whirlwind toddler and the erratic sleeping/feeding schedule of an infant. 

So, the business of songwriting has slowed just a bit and, while I try to get the train back on the tracks, I hope you’ll accept a slightly different offering today. 

This year, with no school and Leo at home, we spent a lot of mornings in the pool, swimming, playing, and talking about the little world in our backyard. At one point, with a ghostly moon just barely visible in the bright sky, Leo looked up and asked “Does the moon have a mommy?”

I thought it was a beautiful question and it inspired the following poem, which I hope to illustrate and turn into a children’s book. 

I think it dovetails with the mystic power of the natural world that so often lives in Delta Rae’s music and art, though with a slightly different approach. 

I hope you all enjoy. Sending love and well wishes from a happy and sleepy Holljes family. 


Does The Moon Have A Mommy?
— First Edition Handwritten Lyrics —
for sale now in the Secret Store

Does The Moon Hsve A Mommy Lyrics - First Editions.png

Episode 18 - Alabaster Heart


Episode 16 - Man On Fire