Welcome! You are about to join Delta Rae’s Fireside Chat.
Get a candle, grab a drink and get ready to hang out with the band.


Intros (00:00)

Discussing Never Lost Release (03:00)

Magnolia Summer (6:20)
Heaven (10:50)
I Could Just Kiss You (17:50)
Favorite Summer (24:30)
Whatcha Thinkin’ Bout (32:30)
No Hay Paz (37:45) *Spanish version of No Peace In Quiet

Brother (45:00)

Band & Fan recommendations (55:45)

Mike - ATTA - Sigur Ros 🎡, A Cat in the Rain - Turnpike Troubadours 🎡

Eric - Daily Rituals πŸ“–, A to-do book or journal

Liz - On Purpose with Jay Shetty (Podcast) 🎧, Google Maps (the app) πŸ“±

Grant - The Holdeovers πŸŽ₯, I Want You - Savage Garden 🎡, Where Should We Begin (Podcast) - Is This Survivors Guilt

Brit - The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - V. E. Schwab πŸ“–, Baby clothes 🐣

Ian - Cricket Blue - Serotinalia 🎡, Kalandra 🎡
