Episode 7 - Back To The Blood

Hi everyone, 

Today I’m very excited to share a new song that may be the first public sign of our southern gothic musical! 

Back to the Blood is a cautionary tale about silence in the face of injustice and the dangers of tribalism. The idea started with a paraphrase of one of my favorite quotes:

“…the loveliest trick of the Devil is to persuade you that they don’t exist!"

In the video, I describe this as a Latin proverb, but (English major FAIL) it’s actually a quote from Charles Baudelaire (that shows up in other forms throughout many historical texts). I do think I’m correct when I say, I first heard it in the movie The Usual Suspects (haha) which paraphrases: “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

When I got to the second verse, I thought of another quote that has always inspired me. This one comes from Edmund Burke and I’m sure you’ve heard it:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

To me, these two phrases speak to each other. If we can’t detect the presence of evil or stay silent in its presence, evil prevails. Ultimately, we have to stay engaged, seek truth, and speak out for good. 

The great risk is that in the face of this challenge or our personal stresses, we disengage — or worse — retreat to our tribes… back to the blood. 

Would love to know what you all think — of the song, the ideas, you know… really anything! Hit me up in the comments :-)

Can’t wait to share more of the musical soon in Making the Musical (coming soon…!)

See you next week. 




Back To The Blood
First Edition Handwritten Lyrics —
for sale now in the Secret Store


Episode 8 - Strangers Waiting


Episode 6 - Don’t Blame Me