Episode 3 - The Sun

Welcome witches! Whether you’re new behind the door or a long time resident, I think you’ll enjoy the special guests in this month’s episode. Fall is finally here! Do you feel the trees sigh and the winds shift? Yup, that means it’s time to light our candles, set our intentions, and ask the cards… To honor of the last days of summer let’s bask in The Sun card. No need to worry friends, this friendly card is here to tell us that grey skies are gonna clear up.

The Sun.png

The Autumnal Equinox. The world is in balance. Just for this moment. The light and the dark share an equal day and night, marking a change in the season and a shift from bloom and ripening to harvest and hibernation. Let’s learn a spread that helps us mark the change in seasons. Humans have built our enduring celebrations around the seasons, so it feels instinctual to set up a ritual with which we can integrate and align ourselves with what nature is doing. That’s why I hope you’ll try this Autumnal Equinox Spread. What will we reap as the light fades? What last fruits of the sun must we savor before the world tips and darkness let’s us all sleep for a time? We have held onto the light, beheld all it illuminates, reflected it’s glow, and soaked in its warmth. We have all we need to make it through the night, through the cold, through the shadows. You can’t have spring without fall. You can’t have life without death. You can’t have the light without the dark.

Don't be afraid of the dark.


Episode 4 - Strength


Episode 2 - The Lovers