Episode 4 - Strength

Hey snow ghosts. As we all know, not every match lights on the first strike. So it was with our episode for October, which we had to re-record due to audio problems… ah, the magic of technology! But we didn’t let it get us down! No, no lionhearts. We knew, if we flexed our inner Strength, we could record an even stronger, brighter, tipsier episode! And so we did. The Strength card is much needed in this rough time. Dominion over our inner emotional world and compassion for ourselves is true Strength. Getting stronger makes us better leaders and friends. Strong individuals make a stronger society. The Strength card is asking us to build spiritual muscle. Do we feel better about our reactions when we are impulsively riding a wave of feelings or after we’ve taken deliberate deep breaths and calmed the storm inside? Do we let ourselves be overlooked or underappreciated, and does it affect our perception of self? When we speak to ourselves, are we a bully or a friend? When the world around us is falling apart, have we built a foundation within that will  hold us and lend strength to others? Now is the time to practice a fierce self-belief. Remember that no matter what you’re fighting through, within, you’re Stronger Than A Lion.

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The Samhain Spread comes a month too late for the traditional Celtic celebration of winter’s start…BUT there is a reverence and clarity around solstice time that too implores us to open lines of communication with the world beyond and speak to our ancestors. After all, Halloween is the ancient Celtic New Years Eve! Let’s listen to the voices within, so that the new year of any calendar might hold a chance to start our spiritual exercise regimen and to honor or transform the legacies that are ours to carry or create.

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Episode 5 - The Hermit


Episode 3 - The Sun