Episode 12 - Where Do We Go When It Rains

Hi friends, 

The other day, in the midst of a huge Miami rainstorm, my wife came over as I was sitting at my desk and asked: “where do the birds go when it rains?” I, of course, didn’t have the faintest idea, but I did find the phrase very beautiful and immediately wrote down: where do we go when it rains?

And just like that, my forever muse had again planted the seeds of a new song in my mind that has bloomed in this week’s episode!

So, thank you boo, for your lovely question and for getting my creative juices flowing. I was really surprised by where this song went from there. I eventually zeroed in on two ideas:

1. Where do we go to find salvation when hard times hit?

2. And who do we become during those hard times?

This pandemic has exposed so many fragile truths about us as people, families, a society, a country, and a world — and, most immediately, it's forced us to examine, for better or worse, what our real values are and how we care for the most vulnerable among us in a crisis. It takes real work to prepare for and build actionable love when a storm hits and we have a lot fo work to do to get to the place where there is shelter for all humans when the rains arrive. 

As always, I’m wishing your families comfort and peace in the midst of any storms. And I hope you enjoy Where Do We Go When It Rains.




Where Do We Go When It Rains
— First Edition Handwritten Lyrics —
for sale now in the Secret Store


Episode 13 - Still In Love


Episode 11 - Love Me Strong