Episode 5 - Hard Day

Hi friends, 

This is the first song I’ve written that’s truly born out of quarantine and the era of COVID-19. I tried to be as conversational and unself-conscious as possible in writing these lyrics. Some of the lines are pulled directly from daily life: obsessively checking on the health of the mango sapling in my backyard, walking around my neighborhood, devouring books, worrying about the impact on my son of being out of school and a normal social life, and resetting the lens of what my life’s goals and sources of meaning are. 

The other major dynamic I’ve keyed into in this moment is how difficult it is to ask for help and support. Everyone is experiencing the uncertainty and pain of this pandemic to one extent or another (not meaning to equate everyone’s suffering by any means) and so it’s hard to know where to turn for comfort. We’re all having our emotional tanks taxed in an unprecedented way and we have to dig deeper to find grace for the people in our lives who are having a hard day. 

So that’s what this song seeks to address. I know I need to make myself available to the friends and family who may need me and I imagine many of you are dealing with lots of those same dynamics. 

Sending love and wishes for comfort as we all navigate this difficult time. This is Hard Day. 




Hard Day
— First Edition Handwritten Lyrics —
for sale now in the Secret Store


Episode 6 - Don’t Blame Me


Episode 4 - Fall In Love With Angels