Episode 8 - Wheel Of Fortune

Hey witches!

Winter is commencing her annual finale and we’re going round and round in the circle game. But as spring sparks to life, to let all the new magic in, first we have to let go. This month’s card is here to help. The Wheel of Fortune is a card full of karma that reminds us: as sure as pain is temporary, so too is joy. It’s important to remember no matter where you are on your journey, whether at your highest high or lowest low, what YOU put out into the world will come back to you as the wheel turns. To help you remember, think of our song From One Woman to Another, a message of empathy and encouragement from person to person that focuses more on honoring oneself and respecting the experience of another than envy or judgement; isn’t that something worth putting out in the world?! The main thing to remember when this card comes up is we don’t control when or how the Karmic Wheel turns. Relax and trust the universe! Everything is turning as it should, harvest the wisdom and keep on keeping on. In fact, a plot twist of your life may be unfolding, bringing you into a new chapter you couldn’t have imagined. Now of course, the universe can’t work for you if you aren’t willing to work for yourself. Break your negative cycles: can you let go of the things, or the person, who is not letting you live your best life? Let him go…

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Bad Habit Spread

Correcting bad habits is like pulling weeds in a garden, it’s best to catch them while they are small and important to dig out the roots to keep them from returning. There’s no time like the present to break a bad habit, but we all need a little help to do so sometimes. Before the real weeds start as the upper hemisphere thaws, practice your groundskeeping by tending to your spiritual garden and address any habits that are hindering more productive growth. The Bad Habit Spread gives you a place to start. REASON: Why am I continuing a bad habit that doesn’t serve me? ROOTS: What are the roots of my habit? REPAIR: How can I begin to correct this habit? REALIZE: What am I avoiding that I need to face? RESULT: What would the results be in my life if I let go of this habit? The last year has forced us to adapt to a new way of being. We’ve developed coping mechanisms to help us survive these changes, but as we begin to see a glimmer of warmer days in a world reopened we may want to reenter it having shed the daily ice cream pint, once-weekly shower, and 24/7 sweatpants habits that have become pandemic norms. I wish you luck friends. For me, the ice cream’s gonna stay…

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Episode 9 - The Hanged Man


Episode 7 - Judgement